Hi! I’m Devin Peña! 

I also go by Dev, Coach Dev, or just Coach. I’m a Registered Dietitian, Certified Hormone Health Specialist, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and lover of all things nutrition, hormones, and fitness. My focus is to help women understand, love, and fuel their bodies, while advocating for the health that they deserve.

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Our bodies were designed to survive and flourish, but hormone-related conditions, lifestyles, and dietary habits can get in the way of that.

A lot of healthcare support is just a band-aid, prescribing pills and extreme dietary interventions without searching for the root cause of the issue. I prefer the root cause approach, helping my clients find long-term lasting relief that can help their bodies perform in the way they were designed to.

Meet Devin Peña

Devin Peña, founded Arrow Nutrition and Training, LLC in 2017 and is a nationally certified Nutrition and Fitness Coach. Her goals are to help women achieve their long-term diet, nutrition, and fitness goals and teach them to thrive for the rest of their lives.

Devin's journey began after she graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2013, where she learned the importance of fueling your body for your individual needs. Since then, she has continued to pursue her passion for nutrition by becoming a Certified Nutritional Therapist and Certified Hormone Specialist while also continuing her education to become a Registered Dietitian at Kansas State University. She graduated from KSU in 2021 with a dual Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and Human Nutrition. She became a credentialed Registered Dietitian in 2023.

Devin also believes in the power of nutrition when partnered with the proper fitness routine and is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and NASM Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

Devin knows that the coach and client relationship is incredibly important to the progress of the client and strives to be the best Coach she can be, continuously learning from her experiences on a daily basis. She also believes in the power and importance of continuing education, seeking out new learning opportunities as often as she is able to.

Above all, Devin would not be able to do this without the saving grace of Jesus. Her relationship with Him is what empowers her to be the person and Coach she is, always in awe of the way our bodies are truly fearfully and wonderfully made.

Work With Devin


  • Registered Dietitian, 2023
  • Bachelor's of Science in Dietetics, Kansas State University, 2021
  • Bachelor's of Science in Human Nutrition, Kansas State University, 2021
  • Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern, 2021-2022
  • Institute of Integrative Nutrition Certified Health Coach, 2013
  • AA in Applied Health, Kinesiology and Nutrition, 2017
  • Certified Nutritional Therapist through Health Sciences Academy, 2014
  • Certified Hormone Health Specialist, Institute for Integrative Nutrition, 2018
  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer, 2018
  • NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist, 2018
  • GGS Pre- and Postnatal Certified Coach, 2024

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Every Friday, Coach Dev sends out her Brain Gainz. These include deep dives into current hormone health related studies, case studies on current clients, new recipes, and so much more!

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